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The Centennial Award finalists

Buffalo Toronto Public Media Celebrates the Centennials

Buffalo Toronto Public Media salutes the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo for helping to ignite change in Western New York for 100 years! To mark this milestone, the Community Foundation granted $1 million in awards to honor local change makers who have made a difference in our community.

The foundation formed a Centennial Selection Committee, which included Buffalo Toronto Public Media President & CEO Donald K. Boswell, to help choose 12 change makers to celebrate as Centennial Award finalists.

The Community Foundation created four categories of change makers to award – Cause Award, Champion Award, Community Award, and Up and Comer Award. The finalists in each category each receive the ability to pick one Western New York nonprofit to receive a $25,000 grant from the Community Foundation. The winner in each category was honored with a $200,000 award. Half of the award is for a one-time grant to a Western New York nonprofit of their choice and the other half creates an endowment at the Community Foundation to allow the winner to make grants of their own into perpetuity.

Saluting the Change Makers

In September 2019, the Centennial Award winners were announced at the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo's Centennial Celebration at Kleinhans Music Hall. A total of $1 million was awarded in honor of four winners and eight finalists. Buffalo Toronto Public Media is thrilled to join the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo in drawing attention to these inspiring individuals who are making an impact in Western New York by making it a stronger, more inclusive place for all.

Cause Award

Honoring a change maker dedicated to addressing a pressing issue facing our region.

Meet the finalists

Champion Award

Honoring someone who has made a meaningful change for a group of people.

Meet the finalist

Community Award

Honoring a change maker who saw the hidden potential of a place.

Meet the finalist

Up and Comer Award

Honoring an emerging leader currently mobilizing action around a place, an issue or people.

Meet the finalists

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