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Now We’re Birding & Enjoying Nature Club with Stratton Rawson and Peter Hall

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Join WNED Classical hosts and birding enthusiasts Stratton Rawson and Peter Hall on exclusive early morning excursions to enjoy the sounds and sights of regional and migratory birds, and explore the nature, flora and fauna of our region. 

When you travel with the Now We’re Birding & Enjoying Nature Club, you’ll feel good knowing you’re supporting local public broadcasting and your favorite stations – plus you’ll meet fellow birding enthusiasts AND have a great day out. Contribution at the $60 or more level also includes a one-year membership to WNED PBS Passport – another great reason to join!

WNED PBS Passport

All reminders and communication about the Birding excursions is via email. Attendees will be sent a reminder email 2 days before, and any date changes due to weather will also be emailed.

Full Trip Itineraries

Saturday, October 19th (Rain Date: Saturday, October 26th)

Location: Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, Basom, NY

Time: 7:30am – 11am program, plus allotted travel time

Pledge: $10 monthly Sustainer or $120 annually for Single Birding Excursion (per person)

Delivery method:  Email

Details:  Arrive at Buffalo Toronto Public Media parking lot (140 Lower Terrace, Buffalo 14202) between 6am – 6:15am to check in, for a 6:30am departure. A boxed breakfast will be provided. Morning program will include:

  • 2-hour bird walk of refuge, led by Stratton Rawson and Peter Hall
  • Indoor program, hosted by Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge staff


We will depart Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, arriving back at the BTPM parking lot between approximately 11am – 11:40am.

New for Fall 2024!

Half-day programs further afield, with transportation, and breakfast to-go included!

Saturday, October 19th – Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, Basom, NY