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WBFO The Bridge will celebrate the holidays with a kaleidoscope of non-traditional holiday songs. Providing a soundtrack for holiday festivities, shopping and baking, hanging solo or with friends.  

WBFO The Bridge in holiday wrapping

The Bridge will sprinkle holiday cheer and angst into the playlist from December 8-10 . You’ll hear songs from The Clash, The Killers, Run DMC, My Morning Jacket, The Indigo Girls and more – you know, all the artists that make you think of the holidays.  The Bridge will continue the holiday celebration Dec 22- 25th

WBFO The Bridge will celebrate the New Year recapping the best album releases of 2023. 

Crespobeats will help you celebrate New Year’s Eve spinning the soundtrack for all of your party needs. 

New Year’s Day will bring moments of albums we are excited for that are set for release in 2024.